Car Rental Investment Opportunity
A unique non-restricted license opportunity for a car rental location Proven partner with excellent track record int he region.
In this region the three largest companies control 73% of the rentals and they are optimizing their capacity and profits by raising prices, in a rising market. Therefore, it is now the right moment to re-enter the market.
After analyzing in detail the market we believe that a market share of 20 % to 30% within three/five years is achievable by offering better rates, service and vehicles. As the business is grown keeping an eye on innovations, like hybrid and electric and client loyalty programs, which none of the local players do.
Proper economy of scale would require a fleet of 300 vehicles, 15 full-time staff and additional part-time staff, three locations with the appropriate premises for an initial investment of USD 7,500,000, which includes first year cash flow, purchasing land and building. We estimate such an investment would provide a projected return of 25%/year, once stabilized. The owner of unrestricted license is offering 60% ownership of the company to the right investor.